Stuck for an idea for your next Neighbourly post? Not to worry. You should never feel pressure to post on Neighbourly just for the sake of it, but if you do want to stay active and connected with the community check out these ideas of suggested posts:
- Inform and advise on your field of expertise
- Seek consultation from local residents - it could be your new logo design, or plans for a local park upgrade
- Find volunteers and recruit new members
- Share details of public events, courses, working bees or upcoming club meets
- Run a Neighbourly poll
- Fill a job vacancy
- Announce fundraising initiatives
- Find and recommend local suppliers who have carried out great work for you
- Share sporting cancellations and updates
- Link to useful resources available on your website
- Share a link to your newsletter and invite subscribers
- Give something away eg branded product or a school holiday programme
- Profile one of your team
- Share some great news from the community
- Communicate emergency or crime and safety situations