We recommend you pop as many details as possible in your Premium profile when creating it, but if you can't do it straight away, that's no a problem - it’s super easy to make changes and improvements at any time.
Here are things to check out:
Business Type - Have you chosen the best category for your business? This will make it easy for Neighbourly members to find your listing in the Business Directory.
Business Info - Check all your contact details are correct, and add some tags (keywords) about your type of business or the services you provide.
Staff - Add names of other staff members who work at your business. You can choose who is displayed and not displayed, and who can manage the business profile. You can also decide how everyone’s names are displayed - whether you show a staff member's name, job title or a display name.
Address - Check your business address is correct, and select whether you would like your full address listed or just your street name. There are some situations where it makes more sense to have just your suburb showing - if this applies to you, please let us know.
- Profile and Cover Images - You might need to resize or crop your images before you upload them to ensure they are the best fit for your business profile. The recommended sizes for business images are:
- Profile image: 1 x 1 ratio (square) eg. 200 x 200 pixels
Cover image: 4 x 1 ratio eg. 1200 x 300 pixels
Please note: if you don’t want your business visible on Neighbourly while you’re making changes, you can temporarily ‘unpublish’ it by clicking the Dashboard button.