Here at Neighbourly, we're all about celebrating Aotearoa's wonderful cultures and the languages that accompany them. We actively support the use of te reo Māori, alongside other languages, in our New Zealand communities.
Te reo Māori is not only an official language of New Zealand, it’s also one we’re proud to call uniquely ours. With that in mind, you may see some te reo Māori words alongside English (among other languages) around the site. If you’re unsure of what a word means, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our lovely team; we’ll be happy to help!
Please note: conversations pertaining to the use of te reo can divide our online communities. Please consider how to word your opinion to ensure neighbours of all backgrounds and cultures feel respected. If you feel your content may cause offence to any group of people, please consider rewriting your post or refrain from sharing it.