If you'd like to contact a neighbour on Neighbourly directly, you can send them a private message. This is a great way to send confidential information or to have conversations you'd like to keep away from your Neighbourly noticeboard.
Your Neighbourly inbox also allows you to:
- Send a message to multiple members of your neighbourhood (group messages)
- Review sent, archived and starred messages
- Star messages you want to easily locate again
- Delete messages you no longer want in your inbox
To send a private message using your computer:
- Locate the neighbour you wish to send a message to in your Neighbours Directory, and click on their name to visit their profile
- Click the MESSAGE button below your neighbour's profile picture on the left-hand side
- Enter a subject and message
- Click SEND
- Click the MESSAGES tab in the top navigation bar
- Click on the blue button that says Compose
- Tap on SELECT NEIGHBOURS and find the neighbour/s you wish to message either by scrolling through or typing their name into the search bar. Once found, tap their name and tap DONE
- Enter a subject and message
- Click SEND
Your message will be sent to your neighbour's Neighbourly inbox. They will also receive an email to say they have received a new private message on Neighbourly.
To send a private message using your mobile device:
- Select the MESSAGES tab from the bottom of your app screen
- Tap the white box at the top of your screen reading NEW PRIVATE MESSAGE
- Tap on SELECT NEIGHBOURS and find the neighbour/s you wish to message either by scrolling through or typing their name into the search bar. Once found, tap their name and tap DONE
- Enter a subject and message
- Tap SEND in the top right-hand corner
Your message will be sent to your neighbour's Neighbourly inbox. They will also receive an email to say they have received a new private message on Neighbourly.