If your post has travelled a bit further down the Neighbourly noticeboard, rest assured that your neighbours will still be able to find it on Neighbourly.
Typing a keyword into the Neighbourly search bar is a quick and easy way to find posts about a particlar topic.
Members can also save your post to refer to it at a later time, or visit your profile to find all the posts you have shared with your community.
Here are few ideas to get your posts maximum attention:
- Attaching images to your posts ensures that they are eye-catching. Posts with images receive a better response from your neighbours.
- Vary the length and style of your posts. Short, simple posts are generally more engaging and are more likely to attract responses.
- Ask for your neighbours’ thoughts and opinions - most people love sharing these. The more replies your post receives, the longer it will stay near the top of your noticeboard.
- Keep it friendly - and local. Using expressions like 'hi neighbours' or 'hello [suburb]' make your posts more relevant and conversational.
A note on 'bumping' posts:
Bumping posts is the practice of replying with the word 'bump' or a full stop '.' to make a post jump to the top of the noticeboard. To ensure members' Digest emails and noticeboards are full of genuine comments, we encourage members to write a reply below their post to share a little more information, rather than 'bumping'. This will get you the 'thumbs up' from fellow members.
If it's been a few weeks since you last posted, you may feel it's a good time to start another post.